BRONX, NY 10475
Helen Thomas, a former member of the White House Press Corps, stated that Israel is occupying Palestinian land. She said that the country belongs to the Palestinians. She said that the Jews should go back to the country they came from, Germany.
President Obama said that the Jewish settlers must immediately stop building houses in the capital city of Israel, which is Jerusalem. Who is the rightful owner of this land?
The 3 great monotheistic faiths, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism accept the bible as revealed truth. What does the bible say about this?
Abraham, the father of the Jews, was living in the city of Ur, which is in modern Iraq. God tested Abraham by sending 3 Angels disguised as beggars to Abraham’s tent. Abraham treated the filthy and wretched beggars with great kindness. He washed their feet. He gave them food to drink. He gave them beds in his tent.
The next morning, the beggars told him that they were really Angels, and that God wanted to see what was in Abraham’s heart. Because God found Abraham to be a righteous man, God blessed him exceedingly. He said that he would lead Abraham to a land of milk and honey where Abraham’s descendents would live. God led Abraham to the land which is now Israel. This was the land promised to the Jews by God.
All the famous patriarchs, prophets, kings and apostles written about in the old testament and new testament were Jews, living in Israel, the land given to the Jews by God himself.
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Isaiah, Jeremiah, King Saul, King David, King Solomon, John the Baptist, Peter, Paul, Mark, Matthew, Luke, Joseph, Mary and Jesus were all Jews living in the land given to the Jews by God.
Jerusalem was always the capital of Israel, the land given to the Jews by God. This was true from biblical times down to the present. This has been true for thousands of years. Israel has had tragedy in her history. Several times the Jews were driven from their land by conquerors.
They came to live in Egypt because of a famine and lived there as slaves until God helped Moses to lead them back to the promised land. The Babylonians conquered them and carried them into slavery in Babylonia. God sent the Persians to conquer Babylonia and allow the Jews to return to the land they loved, Israel. Rome conquered Israel and took many Hebrews to live as slaves in Rome. The Jews would not accept the Roman gods and rebelled. The Roman army expelled them from their land and sent them wandering through the countries of the world. But there was always a remnant of Jews living in their promised land.
Chaim Weitzman was a scientist who invented dynamite. This helped England, U.S., France, and the other allied powers to win World War I. In gratitude, England had Lord Balfour issue the Balfour declaration. The Balfour Declaration stated that all of the land of Israel belonged to the Jews. This land consisted of the entire Palestinian Mandate, both the East Bank and the West Bank of the Jordan River. This included all of what is now Israel, including Gaza, and the entire West Bank. It also included the East Bank which is now Jordan.
During and after the Holocaust, surviving remnants of European Jewry tried to return to their historic homeland. England wanted to appease the kings of the oil-rich Arab nations and broke the promise made by Lord Balfour. The English Navy intercepted ships filled with Jewish refugees and sent them back to Hitler’s death camps. Franklin D. Roosevelt never lifted a pinky to help the Jews. Still the Jews came.
When the United Nations partitioned the area into a Jewish State and an Arab state, the Arabs had no intention of allowing Jews to live at peace in the land promised to them by God. Israel was attacked on all sides by hostile Arab nations. God willed the the Jewish state should survive.
At the time of the Balfour Declaration, very few Arabs lived in this land. It was a barren desert. The returning Jews made the desert bloom. They created industry. The prosperity lured ARAB SETTLERS to move from the surrounding countries to the land of the Jews. The notorious terrorist, Yasser Arafat, leader of the Palestinians, was born in Egypt. Since the ARAB SETTLERS were lured to move to Israel for economic reasons, Israel should offer them economic incentives to move back to the Arab countries.
Now President Obama is telling the Jews that they must give away their promised land to the ARAB SETTLERS. They must not be allowed to build houses in their historic capital city. Joseph and Mary were turned away because the inn was full. If they applied now, President Obama would tell them: “This is not your land. You are settlers. You have no right to live here.”
Several years ago, the Israelis intercepted a ship loaded with Russian-made weapons. It contained the most lethal and modern weapons including many major missiles The weapons were sent from Russia to it’s puppet Iran, and were destined for the terrorist gang Hamas who now rule Gaza. Although Israel intercepted this ship, many other Russian missles and weapons reached the two terrorist gangs, Hamas and Hetzbollah.
Israeli civilians died from the thousands of missles lobbed into their homes, shops, and synagogues by these murderous terrorists. In order to stop Hamas from receiving more missiles, international law allows Israel to defend itself with a naval blockade. Israel reserves the right to inspect all ships headed for the terrorist-ruled Gaza. Innocent humanitarian supplies are allowed to enter Gaza. Weapons would be seized.
The recent ships from Turkey to Israel were filled with left-wing ideologues hostile to Israel. Although they claim to be sending purely humanitarian supplies, their true goal is to break the naval blockade. They want to establish a precedent that ships could go through uninspected. Even if these ships contained innocent supplies, the next ship would contain bombs and missiles.
If Israel gave up it’s blockade, it would be committing suicide. It can not and it must not.
The United Nations has always been controlled by countries hostile to Israel. In the past, Israel’s sole friend was the United States. The U. S. protected Israel from unfair condemnations. Israel could count on the U.S. as it’s sole friend.
This is no longer true. Under President Obama, the U.S. joined in unfairly condemning Israel. Worse still, he the U.S. said that Israel’s Naval Blockade is “Unsustainable.”
The President is allowing Iran to develop an atom bomb. Instead of pressuring Iran he is pressuring Israel. What good are your Democratic Senators? What good are your Democratic Congressmen? They have no influence at all. The President is running wild and endangering the survival of Israel. The Democratic Senators and Congressmen don't say a word to him about his dangerous behavior.
BRONX, NY 10475
President Obama told Israel that they must give away their promised land to the ARAB SETTLERS. They must not be allowed to build houses in their historic capital city. If President Obama could talk to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, King David or King Solomon, he would tell them: “This is not your land. You are settlers. You have no right to live here.”
Several years ago, the Israelis intercepted a ship loaded with Russian-made weapons. It contained the most lethal and modern weapons including many major missiles. The weapons were sent from Russia to it’s puppet Iran, and were destined for the terrorist gang Hamas who now rule Gaza. Although Israel intercepted this ship, many other Russian missiles and weapons reached the two terrorist gangs, Hamas and Hetzbollah.
Gaza. Innocent humanitarian supplies are allowed to enter Gaza. Weapons would be seized.Israeli civilians died from the thousands of missiles lobbed into their homes, shops, and synagogues by these murderous terrorists. In order to stop Hamas from receiving more missiles, international law allows Israel to defend itself with a naval blockade. Israel reserves the right to inspect all ships headed for the terrorist-ruled
The recent ships from Turkey to Israel were filled with left-wing ideologues hostile to Israel. Although they claim to be sending purely humanitarian supplies, their true goal is to break the naval blockade. They want to establish a precedent that ships could go through uninspected. Even if these ships contained innocent supplies, the next ship would contain bombs and missiles.
If Israel gave up it’s blockade, it would be committing suicide. It can not and it must not.
The United Nations has always been controlled by countries hostile to Israel and to the United States.. In the past, Israel’s sole friend was the United States. The U. S. protected Israel from unfair condemnations. Israel could count on the U.S. as it’s sole friend.
This is no longer true. Under President Obama, the U.S. joined in unfairly condemning Israel. Worse still, the U.S. said that Israel’s Naval Blockade is “Unsustainable.”
The President is allowing Iran to develop an atom bomb. Instead of pressuring Iran he is pressuring Israel.
Representative Peter King (R-NY) says President Obama’s weak Mideast policy is forcing House Democrats to choose between supporting Obama or Israel. “I hope they put our relationship with Israel above their relationship with Obama”, King said yesterday.
Flanked by Jewish community leaders at a press conference across from the United Nations, King rallied support for his legislation calling for the US to quit the UN Human Rights Council and its probe of the Israeli raid May 31 on a flotilla off Gaza.
Not a single House Democrat, including the entire New York City delegation, would sign on to that resolution introduced by King last week. “When the president goes abroad and apologizes for America, he is not making clear that we are on Israel’s side,” King said. “I am concerned that not a single Democrat will go forward on the bill unless we take out the language about the UN.
Several House Democrats are working on an alternative resolution that vows support of Israel, but doesn’t mention the UN. King has said that voicing support for Israel without taking on anti-Israeli forces within the UN would be “meaningless, feel good legislation.
What good are your Democratic Senators? What good are your Democratic Congressmen? They have no influence at all. The President is running wild and smashing our constitution. YOU MUST THROW OUT ALL THE DEMOCRATS. VOTE REPUBLICAN OR CONSERVATIVE FOR EVERY OFFICE ON THE BALLOT.